Day One
Paris. It was kinda dissapointing as it was raining and we hardly got off the bus to take photos. I am so pleased that I went with my host family the week before otherwise I think my impressions of Paris would not be very good. We just drove around on the bus and it was raining so all the photos through the windows aren't very good as there is water drops everywhere. We drove from Paris to the Futuroscope Hotel.
Day Two
We went to the futuroscope theme Park and it wasn't that great but it was something to do. The first ride we went on was the best as it is the newest. The other rides weren't that fun. We did this one ride and it was so dangerous I am surprised it is legal "it was like watching TV and getting beaten up at the same time" and "the only thing that would have made it more like a mugging would be if my handbag got stolen!" Haha those quotes pretty much sum the ride up I think!! It was also raining at the futuroscope which didn't help the situation. But lets put it this way- it was a day that I will never forget!
Day 3
We drove for ages (over 8hours) to Carcasonne which is this castle. We were also delayed for a couple of hours because we weren't allowed to drive anywhere due to that huge storm that killed 50 people, I don't know if you heard about it. Carcasonne was so pretty, we stayed in a youth hostel there which was really nice.
Day 4
Crossed the boarder to Spain! It was so nice and sunny! We were all so excited to be able to say the weather is hot! Nothing like the weather in France. We stopped for lunch in this amazing city called Géronne, lucky there were some spanish speakers in the group who could help us order our lunch!! We stayed in this hotel in Lloret de Mar which was not far from Barcelona and it was real nice with good breakfasts and dinners!
Day 5
Tour of Barcelona. It is truely an amazing city with awesome architecture. Theres this place from this movie ccalled Auberge d'Espagnol which I saw with my host families which we went to its where there are hundreds of mozaics everywhere and its called the "Serpentine Bench" We also did a bit of shopping in Bracelona which was nice.
Day 6
we visited the picasso museum which i really enjoyed it was raining a lot in Barcelona but we still had an awesome day. There was also this museum of this football stadium apparantly its the biggest in europe we went there it was pretty interesting. We did some more shopping and returned back to the hotel. That night we had a "soirée animée" and we all just went to the discotheque in the hotel it was a lot of fun and very tiring.
Day 7/8
Day 7 and 8 were pretty much just one huge day because no one really slept as we were travelling from Spain all the way back to paris. It was a long, uncomfortable ride! Our last stop in Spain was the Dali museum it was pretty cool but I was so tired from the night before that I didn't understand much. Me Lucy and Cassie (2 girls who I stayed with the whole time from America who are in my district) had the best lunch and it was nice to finish off in Spain with such great food! When we were back in Paris I took the TGV and arrived in Angers at around midday. I was so super tired that I ended up sleeping for almost 18hours once I had arrived home!
It was truely the week of a lifetime and I can't wait for the Eurotrip which is similar, if not better than the spain trip. It was definitely worth the money and I now have some of the most amazing memories and photos which will be with me forever. =)
everyone in the group =)
Carcasonne Castle

some of the group chilling at carcasonne

Lucy Cassie and I at the beach in Lloret de Mar
amazing cathedral
luisa and I at the serpetine bench place
i love Brazil =D