Well I guess its time to write my blog. The last month and a bit have been great. Ofcourse I was busy with school but in the weekends I have been seeing France on day trips with my host family, I also had the district meeting a couple of weeks back. And I have just finished one week of my 2 week easter break. The first 4 days of my holiday were spent in Oslo, Norway, with my host family. The reason we visited is because their oldest daughter (my host sister) is doing a university exchange over in a city called Honefoss. So she came to Oslo which is the Capital and spent that time with us. It was really great. I feel so priveledged to have visited Norway, a country that not many have seen or know much about. We did a lot of sight seeing and walking which I really enjoyed. It was awesome that my host parents invited me to come and I felt just like "one of the family." Norway is an extremely expensive country and not many Europeans visit for that reason. When we were there the weather was great, not cold at all. So the winter coats that we thought we would need were a waste of space in our suitcases- not that I'm complaining! In fact it was actually warmer in Oslo than it was in Angers at that time! Oh another thing is when we were coming home from Oslo and arrived in Paris we found out our train had been cancelled to go back to Angers. So I can now call myself a true French because I have been effected by the famous strikes that last weeks on end. This strike has been going on for about 3 weeks now.
My friend Andrew who is also from NZ on rotary exchange lives just 20minutes away from me by train, so he came to visit for 3 nights. It was so much fun and he loved being in my city, Angers, because there is so much more to do (he lives in the farmlands). My host parents were happy to have him come and stay which I really appreciated. Andrew and I made a Pavlova for them to taste but it didn't turn out the best, we ate it anyway it wasn't too bad but I want to try make another before I leave here.
I'm changing families at the beginning of next month which is going to be very different. I know my 2nd host family and they are really nice people but I am going to be very sad to leave here. I feel like this is my home now, and I've become very adjusted to the lifestyle here although it's true I'm looking forward to a change and new experiences.
Well I will leave you with a couple of photos.
Bisous. Laura

Alain, Chloe and I with a troll holding the flag of norway

in Oslo at this huge statue park. spot the difference?

there is a line of supermarkets called "Kiwi" in Norway =D

My friend Andrew and I at the Cathedral in Angers. NZ loud and proud!