This month has been really busy and really great. I got back from my Eurotrip on 11 june where I had the best time of my life. There was a total of 51 exchange students, 2 rotarians, and 2 chaperones. The exchange students were mostly those who arrived in January and overall we consisted of; 5 kiwis, 10 Argentinians, 3 South Africans, 2 Japanese, 2 Taiwanese, 1 Brazilian, 1 Bolivian, 1 Ecuadorian, 2 Mexicans, 1 American, 1 Canadian, and 22 Australians. The ambiance was fantastic and everyone got along really well. We visited Germany (Linderhoff, Munich), France (Paris, Reim, Dijon, Lyon, Annecy, Strasbourg), Austria (Innsbruck), Italy (Verona, Venice, Florence, Pisa), Monaco, and Switzerland (Geneva). This was all in 12 days so as you could imagine a very busy time and when I returned I was extremely tired. We didn't get much sleep at night but managed to catch up on a bit whilst travelling in the bus. The things I saw and did whilst on this trip are things I had only dreamed of before. It was truely the best experience of my life and it was spent with the best group of people. It was difficult to say goodbye and part our separate ways at the end.
I have now finished school until september as it is summer holidays. During these holidays I am going away with some different rotarians to their baches and also I am hoping to do a bit of travel of my own to visit some of my exchange friends. The weather is awesome making it to 30degrees most days. I have spent my days in the pool at my house and with friends. I spent my 18th birthday here last week and it will definitely be a birthday i will remember for the rest of my life. Not just because I turned the big 18 but because it was 32degrees, I was away from my family, but i was surrounded by some great people and I had the coolest day.
I will leave you with a few pictures, I hope its not too cold in little old nz!!