Today I realised that I have only 7 weeks left in France, or more precisely, 7 Saturdays. These 7 saturdays will be over and done with so fast and before I know it, I will be back in my NZ life looking back on this year like it was all a dream. Even now I look at all I have seen and done and it seems unreal. I have experienced (and am still experiencing !!) and had the privelege to be a part of something which has allowed me to see so much of a culture so far from my own and so much of the world. I look at my life at the age of 18 and think I am so lucky to be here doing what I am doing, there are so many people out there who would not have been able to see and do as much as I have in their whole life.
I have met so many people from all over the world who I will never, ever forget. People who have been such a huge influence on me this year and who have helped me get to where I am today.
In discovering new things and places, I discovered a lot about myself that I didn't know.
For example:
- I love fromage du chevre (Goats cheese- not feta)
- I love red wine (a good wine makes a good meal)
- I can eat (and have eaten) pretty much anything
- I love shopping
- I am very patriotic
- I can have friends who are 2 years younger than me and it doesn't change anything
- I can sleep talk in french
- I have learnt how to be patient
- I have learnt how to let the little things go by
- I want to do something with the French language for a career
- I have learnt that if I get out of bed exactly 50 minutes before school starts I can get there on time
- I am going to start playing tennis again when back in NZ
- I am not good in maths when it's in French
- I want to become trilingual
- I have learnt to really appreciate those who I left behind in NZ
I know there is so much more that I have not put down, and there is so much that I will not even realise until I get back to New Zealand.
"You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself." ~Alan Alda
Here's some picture's from my last few weeks from the holidays..
the beach in winter:
I have apparently become rather french: