I never realised how true the saying "time flies when we are having fun" really is until now.
When I look back to this date 9 months ago, I see myself so naive. I did not know what was waiting for me, I did not know what to expect. One year seemed long, at times I would think that it's maybe even too long, now, I've realised that one year just simply isn't enough.
I am now living in my final host family, Les Buffenoirs. I never thought it would be possible to become so attatched to a family that is not my own the way I did with The Merceron family. It was difficult to say goodbye even when I knew that I will be able to visit whenever I want. My new family is again very different to the last two french families I have lived with, and I am really enjoying it. Here I have a host mum- Carole, a host dad- Marc, a host sister- Cecilia (14), and a step host sister- Mary-Kate (20). Mary-Kate comes from Chicago, USA and she arrived in France at the start of the month. The Buffenoir's have been welcoming students like her for 10 years now, she attends a university in Angers. I am still living a 5 minute walk away from school which is awesome.
Getting back to school and a routine took a lot of effort. Someone said to me that when I had summer holidays here it was like being on holiday whilst on holiday which was kind of true before summer but now I wouldn't really agree. Over the summer I improved so much with my french and I no longer have the excuse of "I don't understand I am not French." So it's back to the books for me even if it's not really that serious. A few people in class have noted my improvement in sayin that I speak much faster now, and my personal favourite being that I am fluent in french. My favourite lesson is philosophy I find it so interesting and the teacher is really cool. I am finding the days pass much faster when I actually can understand everything that is going on and take notes !
Everything is going great, I'm still having the time of my life, I still learn new things every day. My only problem is, time itself, which goes by so incredibly fast.
Time allows me 3 months and 3 weeks to profit to the maximum, to embrace the culture, to live my dream. And I will be doing exactly that !
Family Photo- Marc, Carole, Cecilia, Mary et moi